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Re: Future of asciidoctor-pdf vs ADOC->HTML+CSS->PDF

Posted by habamax on Oct 21, 2019; 2:10pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Future-of-asciidoctor-pdf-vs-ADOC-HTML-CSS-PDF-tp7263p7269.html

mojavelinux wrote
I will explain why we have to start looking at other strategies in the
announcement. Just know that it's out of necessity. We've hit a hard limit
and it's a reality we have to face. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
The focus right now is on stabilizing Asciidoctor PDF. It's not going to
disappear. Otherwise, why would I be toiling over it so much?

No pressure from my side, I can understand the necessity.

The thing is -- that information was really unexpected, given how much hard work you are putting into current implementation (I do git pull upstream master && git log almost every morning and I can see it).

I just selfishly wish all my current setup (themes and cmd parameters to asciidoctor) would not be dramatically changed.