Re: Future of asciidoctor-pdf vs ADOC->HTML+CSS->PDF
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Oct 21, 2019; 9:25am
There's nothing stopping it from existing now. The converter is an extension point, so someone could implement that converter using whatever solution they want.
As for the future of Asciidoctor PDF, you're a step ahead of me. I'm going to explain the plans once 2.0.0 is released (which I'm doing my best to finalize). But to foreshadow, yes, we'll be exploring other avenues. And the upcoming AsciiDoc spec will further open the doors to what's possible on the JVM.
On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 3:16 AM afrey [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
@mojavelinux: you wrote 10 months ago in that:
Given I have spend a substantial amount of time trying alternatives, I've become a huge believer in the the HTML/CSS workflow
So you don't have to convince me that the days of Asciidoctor PDF are numbered and that we need a new strategy based on web tech.
As I'm currently investing in asciidoctor-pdf, I'm curious if this is still your opinion and if asciidoctor-pdf is a long-term solution.
Also, I find it very useful to have a pure JVM pipeline like asciidoctorj / asciidoctorj-pdf. Do you think a future ADOC->HTML+CSS->PDF pipeline will also be able to be JVM-based?
Best regards,
-- Alex