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Future of asciidoctor-pdf vs ADOC->HTML+CSS->PDF

Posted by afrey on Oct 21, 2019; 9:16am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Future-of-asciidoctor-pdf-vs-ADOC-HTML-CSS-PDF-tp7263.html


@mojavelinux: you wrote 10 months ago in https://gitlab.com/antora/antora/issues/349 that:

Given I have spend a substantial amount of time trying alternatives, I've become a huge believer in the the HTML/CSS workflow
So you don't have to convince me that the days of Asciidoctor PDF are numbered and that we need a new strategy based on web tech.

As I'm currently investing in asciidoctor-pdf, I'm curious if this is still your opinion and if asciidoctor-pdf is a long-term solution.

Also, I find it very useful to have a pure JVM pipeline like asciidoctorj / asciidoctorj-pdf. Do you think a future ADOC->HTML+CSS->PDF pipeline will also be able to be JVM-based?

Best regards,
-- Alex