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Re: Upgrading Asciidoctor.js to the latest version of Asciidoctor

Posted by mojavelinux on Oct 06, 2013; 9:47am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Upgrading-Asciidoctor-js-to-the-latest-version-of-Asciidoctor-tp636p725.html


Thanks for the quick response! I was thrilled to see your message, despite my belated acknowledgement of it.

I've created an umbrella issue in Asciidoctor to track the compatibility issues.


Some will end up being fixed in Asciidoctor, some in Opal and the remainder will simply be us better understanding Opal and using it right.

I'm happy to say that lots of issues have been fixed since the last time I ran Opal, and the ones you mentioned here take it even further.

Guillaume, assume that if you get a compiler error, you are dealing with a syntax that Opal doesn't support (since Asciidoctor is already tested against all the other major Ruby implementations) and try to identify what it is about the syntax that isn't being parsed out. That should help us either get the change upstream into Opal (ideally) or avoid using the syntax (perhaps it was just gnarly syntax anyway).

Eventually, I'd like to get the Asciidoctor tests running on the Opal implementation. While I know how to run the Opal test suite, I haven't looked at how to set up a test suite in a separate project yet.

Thanks for your participation guys! I'm so excited to see Asciidoctor 0.1.4 (or 1.5.0.dev) running in JavaScript!


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:34 AM, Adam Beynon [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Update 2:

asciidoctor.js is now fully working in my fork, http://github.com/adambeynon/asciidoctor.js, and you must run opal from master (as setup in the Gemfile). There was a bug in `Enumerable#collect` which is now fixed, and a slight change was needed in the example to be compliant with Opals new native sending.


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