Asciidoctor as content managment
Posted by smigielski on Oct 06, 2013; 8:46am
Hi, I am thinking of using asciidoc files in some kind of basic git cms for storing product related content (name, description, files, price and so on). There will be only few products so maintaining it in files make complete sense for me. Because I've already got all html files prepared I plan to use wicket framework for presentation and some simple business logic.
So to clarify the context is asciidoc file -> read by java application and loaded to Product model -> presented in wicket template each part of product description in different places.
And first question is if it is, in your opinion proper use case for asciidoc markup? Maybe I should use xml or any other markup format for that kind of job and put asciidoc fragments only in strictly text content?
I feel like it is good idea to stay with pure asciidoc because of simplicity for content editors so how can I leverage content chunking for that purpose. I've checkout asciidoctor-java-integration but I can't find the way of retrieving different parts of main text based on block role or style. Can it be achieved somehow by manipulating input parameters or by extending java to ruby integration?
I would be glad for any hints or thoughts!