Re: Compile Error Using the Stylesheet Factory
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Oct 08, 2019; 10:12am
Glad to hear it worked!
The stylesheet factory documentation is slated to be removed from the user manual. That's because it's no longer a supported project and only continues to exist to build the default stylesheet. We will be creating a new project for creating stylesheets in the future that is based on a simpler stack.
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:08 AM TheMagician [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you very much for your quick reply and your hard work on Asciidoctor!
Using Bundler solved the problem.
Perhaps point 72.1.1. ("Install the Gems") of the manual could be updated to make it clearer that using Bundler is the only option to set up the libraries needed to compile the Stylesheet Factory. Right now it sounds like the two options (Bundler and Gems) are equivalent.
I would suggest the following changes (in bold):
In order to build the stylesheets, you must download the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory repository and install the Compass and Foundation gems.
1) Download or clone the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory repository.
It does not matter where you save the project on your system.
2) Make sure you have Ruby and RubyGems and Bundler installed
3) Navigate to the Asciidoctor stylesheet factory directory on your system.
4) Run Bundler to install the Compass and Foundation gems.
$ bundle install
Then leave out the info box about the install process via gems.