This is a great idea! I think that integrating the asciidoctor-fopdf into the build plugins might be the best place to start, then gradually see how far up the chain we should push it (such as into the Asciidoctor Java integration). Iteration is certainly the key strategy here.
What I would like to do as part of this integration (perhaps before) is to move the asciidoctor-fopdf project into the Asciidoctor organization. I didn't put it there right away because I wasn't sure how the experiment would work. Since it turned out to work pretty well, I think the time has come to graduate it. That's a pretty easy change.
As part of the graduation, I'd also like the change the name from "fopdf" to "fopub". The reason is, the same setup can be used to produce any output supported by the bundled DocBook XSL stylesheets, including ePub and chunked HTML. Although I still plan to fold those output formats into Asciidoctor core, some teams may still prefer to use the DocBook toolchain.
I'll wait a few days to collect some feedback before I move the repository, in case there is a strong preference for a different name.
When you integrate with Gradle, I recommend using "fopdf" as the backend name instead of "pdf". We want to reserve the name "pdf" to leave room for when Asciidoctor has built-in PDF export.
I'm thrilled that you're interested in bringing fopdf / fopub to the Gradle plugin. This will close several important gaps in the Asciidoctor ecosystem.