Re: About Asciidoctor Maven integration: A custom lifecycle
Posted by
rrialq on
Aug 14, 2019; 8:45am
Thank you.
The code needs unit tests and quality analysis. It is essential from my point of view.
I know the code works right because I use it with the integration tests, and with some of my projects.
But the phases need dicussion. Which phases to do what? In what order?
For example, the post-build phase gives the false impression that it will be executed after the build phase.
So I will rename it to pre-upload. Indicates more precisely when it will run
I will rename this to asciidoctor-lifecycle-maven-plugin. Please, wait till I finished before opening issues.
I will rename the project to asciidoctor-lifecycle-maven-plugin, as mojave suggest.
Please, be patient till I've finish the rename before opening issues, because I don't know if it is possible to rename the name of the organization in GitHub.
abelsromero wrote
I am glad you went ahead, I have to say the quality of the code far surpasses what I consider "a first approach" and seeing the examples it is much simpler than what I though.
I must have a look asap and start opening issues/PR to discuss things.