I was going to suggest a new plugin that offers this more advanced
functionality, so I'm glad to see you went ahead and created it. Like Abel
was saying, we're not closed to it. It's just that we need to retain a
basic plugin for the average use case. But in no way does that rule out
having an advanced lifecycle plugin.
The only thing I'd suggest is to try to be a little less cute with the
name. "mydoctor" really doesn't communicate what it is. Perhaps
asciidoctor-lifecycle-maven-plugin, or something more descriptive would be
better. Just hacking up the name of a project makes it hard to gain
traction because it looks unrelated. And it also dilutes the brand of the
project name. (For example, you don't say "myyota" when you name a Toyota
community site).
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 9:41 AM rrialq [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> I've just created the mydoctor-maven-plugin, for hosting the code project.
> In
https://github.com/mydoctor-maven-plugin/mydoctor-maven-plugin you
> find the code of this new plugin and the documentation for using it in your
> projects.
> It is in an early stage, but you can use it, fork it, make pull requests
> and suggest new funcionalities or send issues.
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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux |