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Re: Asciidoctor pdf - Custom admonition icons

Posted by be.wood on Aug 07, 2019; 12:05pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-pdf-Custom-admonition-icons-tp5850p7050.html

Thank you. One last question, I ran this command (I renamed the custom-admonition-block to notice-block):

asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-style:admonition.yml -r notice-block ./notice-block/sample.adoc

This ended up giving me this error when I run a trace (and the styles are unknown if I just run verbose):

asciidoctor-pdf-1.5.0.beta.2/lib/asciidoctor-pdf/converter.rb:666:in `convert_admonition': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

The admonition.yml has the styles defined with the extends line first (and nothing else).

I don't know if I have the command wrong or if I'm missing something else.
