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default attribute "namespace" ?

Posted by vanous on Jul 22, 2019; 5:53pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/default-attribute-namespace-tp7011.html

Hi all,

i am new here, so sorry if i have missed something obvious. I have started using asciidoc few months back, have incorporated it into my workflow to be source of data for publican (asciidoc → docbook → fop → pdf). That was all simple, now i am looking into more complex situation with conditionals:

I would like to keep single document, from which i will generate 3 different pdf files:

1) complete book (without slides and speaker notes)
2) slides (without book and notes)
3) speaker notes (without book and slides)

== Chapter
Lorem ipsum.
More text.

ifdef::slides[Slides text]

ifdef::speakernotes[Speaker notes]

But how can i eliminate all the "default" stuff which the book is made of without having to wrap all book text into ifdef::book[] endif::[]?

== Chapter
Lorem ipsum.
More text.

ifdef::slides[Slides text]
ifdef::speakernotes[Speaker notes]

Is there some kind of default namespace i can exclude somehow?

thank you