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Re: asciidoctor-pdf with custom style: problem with fonts

Posted by Siegfried Kurz on Jul 17, 2019; 8:36am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor-pdf-with-custom-style-problem-with-fonts-tp6992p6994.html

Hello mojavelinux,
thanks for Your answer.
I tried to read the docs, but maybe not seriously enough ;)
But, unfortunately, your hint didn't help.

Here is my theme:
cat /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/asciidoctor-pdf-1.5.0.alpha.14/data/themes/hit-theme.yml
extends: default
    font-color: #FFFF00
    font-color: #24A0ED

When I uss this, I get the same error as in my first post.

When I try with added variable pdf-fontsdir
/usr/bin/asciidoctor-pdf -d book -b pdf  -a title -a pdf-fontsdir=/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/asciidoctor-pdf-1.5.0.alpha.14/data/fonts -a pdf-theme=/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/asciidoctor-pdf-1.5.0.alpha.14/data/themes/hit-theme.yml  -o /u1/dcpa/etroot_entw/tmp/tmp.17302.pdf Noah.asc
no errors are generated, but the output is unchanged, it seems to me, as the hit-theme.yml is been ignored.

ls -la /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/asciidoctor-pdf-1.5.0.alpha.14/data/fonts

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     375 Mär  2  2017 LICENSE-mplus-testflight-58
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   11357 Mär  2  2017 LICENSE-noto-2015-06-05
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   15868 Mär  2  2017 mplus1mn-bold-ascii.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   15908 Mär  2  2017 mplus1mn-bold_italic-ascii.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   15928 Mär  2  2017 mplus1mn-italic-ascii.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   20024 Mär  2  2017 mplus1mn-regular-ascii-conums.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1405716 Mär  2  2017 mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  241436 Mär  2  2017 notoserif-bold_italic-subset.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  228596 Mär  2  2017 notoserif-bold-subset.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  214988 Mär  2  2017 notoserif-italic-subset.ttf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  227824 Mär  2  2017 notoserif-regular-subset.ttf

When I try this:
gem contents asciidoctor-pdf --show-install-dir
I get:

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
invalid option: --show-install-dir
/usr/lib64/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/command.rb:375:in `handle_options'
/usr/lib64/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/command.rb:296:in `invoke_with_build_args'
/usr/lib64/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/command_manager.rb:170:in `process_args'
/usr/lib64/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/command_manager.rb:130:in `run'
/usr/lib64/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/gem_runner.rb:60:in `run'
/usr/bin/gem:21:in `<main>'

/usr/bin/asciidoctor-pdf -V
Asciidoctor PDF 1.5.0.alpha.14 using Asciidoctor 2.0.10 [https://asciidoctor.org]
Runtime Environment (ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27) [x86_64-linux]) (lc:ISO-8859-15 fs:ISO-8859-15 in:ISO-8859-15 ex:ISO-8859-15)

best regards from germany