Re: Internal Cross References text not resolved anymore ?
Posted by phgiraud on Jul 09, 2019; 6:36am
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your very quick answer.
We have this comment line:
asciidoctor -T $cwd/$styles_root_html/html5 $full_adoc_dir/$source_doc --doctype book --destination-dir $full_html_out_dir --out-file $source_doc_no_ext.html -a stylesheet=styles.css -a stylesdir=$cwd/$styles_root_html/css -a year="$year" -a generation_date_time="$generation_date_time" -a generation_date_time_meta="$generation_date_time_meta" -a revnumber="$revnumber" -a email="$email" $toc_prop -a toclevels="$toc_level" -a chapter-label="" -a sectnums="" -a guides_url="$guides_url" -a icons="font" -a source-highlighter="highlightjs" -a pdfs_url="$pdfs_url" -a author="$author" -a docinfo="shared" -a docinfodir="$cwd/$styles_root_html/html5" -a gitlab_guide_url="$gitlab_guide_url" -a season_index_url="$season_index_url" -a main_index_url="$main_index_url" -a api_pdfs_url="$api_pdfs_url"
And I think I have localized the issue, because when I remove:
-T $cwd/$styles_root_html/html5
The texts for the links are now correct.
I'm now trying to find out what's wrong in our styling files.