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Re: Asciidoctor PDF - Admonition icons are bold

Posted by mojavelinux on Jul 04, 2019; 8:30am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-PDF-Admonition-icons-are-bold-tp6974p6976.html

Asciidoctor PDF has made the switch to Font Awesome 5. What you've shown is just the way the icons look in Font Awesome 5. The style has evolved.

See https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=3Dgallery&q=3Dinfo-circle

If you don't like those icons, you could chose an icon from a different set. Here's an example of a theme file that uses the info icon from Foundation icons instead:

- default
      name: fi-info

Here's the foundation icon list: https://zurb.com/playground/foundation-icon-fonts-3

(You could also just pick a different icon in the Font Awesome set that is less bold).

