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Asciidoctor Quick Ref "View Result" Feature

Posted by gcoulthard on Jun 25, 2019; 5:45am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-Quick-Ref-View-Result-Feature-tp6967.html

Hi there,
    I'm writing an OER (open educ. resource) textbook for college students and came across Asciidoctor, while hitting some brick walls with Markdown. Together with Antora, I can envision an excellent creative commons publishing system for textbooks. My sincere thanks to Dan Allen and our team of contributors.
    Anyway, my question is "how do I replicate the View Result" feature that I see in the Asciidoctor Syntax Quick Reference - https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/?  I'd like to include a similar system (or Q&A tabs or some other "hide-reveal" system) for student "speed-bump" questions at the end of each section. Does Asciidoctor provide some syntax that I haven't come across yet for enabling/accessing these useful CSS classes?
    Sorry, I'm not a Ruby or web developer, so can't program it myself.
Thanks in advance, Glen