asciidoctor-j based documentation generator
Posted by
PzdcDoc on
May 04, 2019; 8:35pm
Hi all,
first of all thanks a lot for doing of this great product.
AsciiDoctor gave us so needed standardizing and flexibility and I found it the best currently existing solution for making software documentation.
However there were some missing things from my perspective:
- orientation on large *.adoc files;
- no recommended structure for storing resources;
- references checking;
- search in created documentation using JS.
I know, that partially it might be solved using converting to DocBook format first.
But we went our way, and short time ago our solution was published here: it has to be some restricted and maximally simplified way of building documentation.
I kindly ask everybody here about feedback:
- is such thing needed for somebody else;
- does it make sense to keep it separately or better try to integrate in one of existing projects.