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Re: Customizing Figure Caption

Posted by ped on May 03, 2019; 10:43am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Customizing-Figure-Caption-tp6878p6882.html

After a week more experience with Asciidocotor, I came a little closer to solving my problem for question  1 and 2:

= Minimal Working Example
:xrefstyle: short

image::https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/1817009?s=400&v=4[caption="Figure A-{counter:figure}", title=": This is the caption of the figure", align="center"]

Please see <<fig:001>>

It would be more customizable if there would be something like:

= Minimal Working Example
:figure-caption: Figure A-
:figure-separator: :
:xrefstyle: short

image::https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/1817009?s=400&v=4[title="This is the caption of the figure", align="center"]

I also think that the terminology is somewhat unfavorable. Analogous to latex, I think the following name definition of the attributes would be better:

:figure-label: Figure    // Currently is :figure-caption:
:figure-separator: :     // Not existing yet

Caption is what is currently named under "title".