Customizing Figure Caption
Posted by
ped on
Apr 29, 2019; 1:13pm
Hello together
I have been using Asciidoctor for almost 1 week now and am totally thrilled. A great tool!!! I'm using the newest version 2.0.8 on Ruby 2.5.3
Despite intensive search in the web I have some questions to the following minimal example:
= Minimal Working Example
:doc-part: A
:figure-caption: Figure {doc-part}-
:xrefstyle: short
[title="This is the caption of the figure"]
image::[float="center", align="center"]
Please see <<fig:{doc-part}:001>>
The result is:

1. How is it possible to remove the space between the A and the number? Should be: "Figure A-1".
2. How is it possible to change the period after the number to a colon? Should be: "Figure A-1: This is the caption of the figure".
3. The caption is not centered. Has anyone an idea why not?
I would be very happy if someone could answer any of the items.