Re: Gradle asciidoctor plugin v2 not working
Posted by
DocEvaluator on
Apr 25, 2019; 9:40am
Seems to be a Gradle problem (or my lack of deep Gradle understanding).
This works:
plugins {
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.base' version '2.1.0' // (1)
id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.convert' version '2.1.0' // (2)
repositories {
asciidoctorj {
version = '1.6.2'
asciidoctor {
println ("asciidoctor task")
sourceDir file('src/asciidoc')
sources {
include 'index.adoc'
outputDir file('build/docs')
So I had to move
repositories {
out of "buildscript" and put it behind the "plugins" stuff.
I will try to look up Gradle doc, why this makes a difference (with 1.5.x we had it inside the "buildscript" block at the very beginning).