How can I make asciidoctor links dynamic to the file system?
Posted by documentationchronicles on Apr 20, 2019; 4:40pm
Hi there. I have asciidoctor notes in my hard disk and I am regularly switching different operating systems for my needs. The problem is my links are static and adjusted for the Ubuntu file system.
/media/X/Notes/.../ Y.adoc
The problem arises when I switch Windows. The windows file path is like the following and I cannot reach proper page location when I click asciidoctor links.
Relative links only work when the pointer file above the directory of the pointed file.
│ │ ├─── Notes(Folder)
│ │ │ └───X.adoc
│ │ │ ├─── Calculus 1(Folder)
│ │ │ │ └───Y.adoc
For example, I can point from X.adoc to Y.adoc with relative URL(./Calculus1/Y.adoc#abc) but I cannot point from
Y.adoc to X.adoc with relative URL without knowing the absolute file path.