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Re: Adding Document Control to title page

Posted by DaveE on Apr 12, 2019; 7:30pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Adding-Document-Control-to-title-page-tp6841p6845.html

I didn't really want to deviate from asciidoctor as I'm invested, Ideally I want to pull some of the attributes out of the header of adoc file and others would be passed in.

Using an svg or I guess any supported image format, seems on the face of it is a simpler(quicker) way of resolving my issue quickly.

So in principle knock up an image using SVG for using imagemagick with the attributes scraped from the adoc file and the others as a part of a pre-process, then use the it the as title page background rinse and repeat....

I'd already started working my way through the Ruby so I think extending the title page capabilities is doable, but I'm going to park that for now as time is of the essence and the background image method I'm more confident I can do sooner in a workable way.

Many thanks to you both, if I get anywhere useful I'll post the how so others can use it or not.