Re: Filename extension changed by default when upgrading to asciidoctor 2
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Apr 02, 2019; 6:30pm
It depends on how your custom backend / converter works, but the simplest way to solve this without hacking Asciidoctor core is to set the outfilesuffix attribute. The outfilesuffix is what is used to determine what suffix to put on the output file. You can specify this attribute via the API. I'm curious to know if that solves your issue.
There's also a way for a custom backend / converter to self register an outfilesuffix. But that may be more intricate than you need.
On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 8:35 AM dsyer [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Update: looks like `Asciidoctor::DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS['<backend>'] = '.html'` was what I needed, where `<backend>` is the id of the backend.