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Re: Left-aligning images in table - not working?

Posted by mojavelinux on Mar 12, 2019; 9:43am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Left-aligning-images-in-table-not-working-tp6794p6799.html


Your syntax is correct. Chances are, it has something to do with the SVG. Perhaps it has built-in padding in the image. I'd have to see an example. I'd probably inspect the page using the DOM inspector to see where the boundaries of the SVG are and whether it really is centered or just touching both sides of the cell.



On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 6:32 AM wolandscat [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have a tabled defined as follows:

[cols="1,<2,4", options="header"]

The content of that second column is an SVG image (on each row); they always show up horizontally centred down the column instead of left-aligned, no matter what I do. I also tried things like cols="1,<.^2,4"  to no avail. As far as I can tell I am following the documentation.

Is there any known issue with h-alignment of images in tables?

- thomas

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