Re: Asciidoctor PDF customize unordered List
Posted by
abelsromero on
Mar 08, 2019; 2:57pm
MonaElsa wrote
What means the statemet "You can use ulist if you're running Asciidoctor PDF from master."?
I use asciidoctorj-pdf-1.5.0-alpha.16. Can I use the ulist keys with this release?
I am sorry to say you can't.
It precisely means that "ulist" element is a feature not available in the last released versions. Here is the reference to the documentation of the released version:
If you want to know more, "master" is a reference to the most recent development version, you can download the code and install it if you want though. -> EDIT: if you want to convert the doc with the ruby CLI, if you are using Java, not much you can do until it is released.