Re: Unicode characters not converted in pdf.
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Feb 13, 2019; 8:25pm
Since the bug occurs in a library that's outside of Asciidoctor (Prawn), I have no way of knowing when it would be fixed. You could report the issue in that project ( and see what feedback you get.
In the meantime, if this character is important to you, you'll have to find another way to generate the PDF. One idea is to use "Print to PDF" from the browser.
The Firefox plugin and Asciidoctor PDF are different pieces of software and rely on different technologies. The Firefox plugin produces HTML that is rendered by the browser. Asciidoctor PDF produces PDF that is generated by Prawn. Just because one works doesn't mean the other will work. They are just different.
You are not doing anything wrong. I can't get the character to work in Asciidoctor PDF either. No one can. It's a bug in the software.
On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 9:07 AM Clemens [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Dan and Marc,
thanks for the support.
What does this mean for me? Wait until bug is fixed.
Somehow Asciidoctor Plugin for Firefox renders the unicode correctly. I assume it uses the same softwaretool as my Asccidoctor-pdf command line tool. Shouldn't it be possible to use the plugin routines for the command line tool.
@Dan I tried your suggestion to enter the uncode directly into the text document. Unfortunately I seem to be too stupid to do that correctly with Notepad++, as I do not get the correct characters (Mostly I get squares).
Anyway, thank you for your help.