Re: [small] not working with asciidoctr-pdf
Posted by
1marc1 on
Feb 10, 2019; 9:55pm
I wasn't aware of that possibility. I tried to extend it to colours, but the following does not work:
Attempt to provide +++<font color="#d3173c">some colour</font>+++ in a line of text.
Attempt to provide +++<font color=#d3173c>some colour</font>+++ in a line of text.
I also had a look at making life easier when working with changing font sizes, by doing this:
:smallfont: +++<font size=".5em">
:largefont: +++<font size="1.5em">
:endfont: </font>+++
The word {smallfont}small{endfont} is smaller than the rest of the line.
The word {largefont}big{endfont} is bigger than the rest of the line.
Unfortunately, the above does not work.