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Re: confusions about customization

Posted by 1marc1 on Jan 19, 2019; 3:26pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/confusions-about-customization-tp6681p6682.html

Hi emonshr,

I do quite a bit with asciidoctor-pdf, which I believe your question is about.

To define your own style (font, size, page margins, header, footer, etc), you should create a custom theme file in YAML. Asciidoctor-pdf comes with a theme file. It probably works best to copy this theme file and update it to your requirements. The excellent theming guide is your go-to document for this task:


Once you updated your custom theme, you run asciidoctor-pdf on the command line and reference the theme. For example:

asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-stylesdir=~/asciidoctor-pdf/themes -a pdf-style=custom_theme.yml -o ~/asciidoctor-pdf/files/output.pdf input.adoc

I am not sure if this helps.
