Re: Controlling format of inline xrefs without xreflabel
Posted by
wolandscat on
Dec 13, 2018; 6:23pm
I have the same problem. I have a front page block containing an xref to another file that contains the amendment history of the document.
The xrefs in the front page block is a row in a table:
|*Revision*: <<latest_issue>>
|*Date*: <<latest_issue_date>>
The source is the revision and date on the topmost entry in the amendment history, e.g.
|description blah blah
|jane smith
|[[latest_issue_date]]10 Jan 2017
The result I want in the HTML (or any output format) is:
Revision: 1.0.0 |Date: 10 Jan 2017
But instead I get:
Revision: [latest_issue] |Date: [latest_issue_date]
with both of the xref labels being clickable through to the correct locations.
It appears there is no xreflabel defined for text that is not a heading or caption, and even overriding it with something like [[latest_issue,1.0.0]]1.0.0 doesn't work.
Anyone got a solution to this?