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Re: two captions for a image block

Posted by al-asciidoctor on Dec 11, 2018; 11:19pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/two-captions-for-a-image-block-tp6638p6646.html

Thanks I have now installed both.

I have copied the content from https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-backends/blob/master/slim/html5/block_image.html.slim to my template and adopted it with `upper-caption: (attr :upper-caption)`

The block looks like this

.lower text

= block_with_title({class: 'imageblock', style: (style_value text_align: (attr :align), float: (attr :float), upper-caption: (attr :upper-caption))}, :bottom)

I have also copied the asciidoctor-1.5.8\data\stylesheets\asciidoctor-default.css and added the follwing line but I'm sure that's wrong.


As I don't know what's the syntax to tell slim/html to put the upper-caption before the .content.