Re: Example online help created with AsciiDoctor and Jekyll
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Nov 26, 2018; 8:20am
Thanks for sharing and for the words of encouragment, Mark!
I do agree better installation instructions for Windows is needed. That's one of the goals of migrating the docs to Antora and a new information architecture.
On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 11:39 PM markb [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
I've started using AsciiDoctor with Jekyll to build online help for my tech writing clients. I do use Markdown too sometimes, but when I need to reuse content across multiple books I turn to AsciiDoctor for its includes and variables. I thought you might be interested to see a screenshot of the result.

Here's the URL:
To protect client confidentiality, I've replaced the text and branding with generic content.
As I don't have an IT background, it hasn't been easy to work out some of the technical setup, but I'm happy with where I've been able to take it. I love AsciiDoctor. I just wish the process of installing it on Windows and setting up a useful publishing toolchain was better documented for non-technical mortals. That's not a criticism -- I just think there's an opportunity to help even more people get to know the technology.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this awesome product!