Re: Basic Geology book of the Santorini volcanic complex made with Asciidoc-pdf
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Nov 25, 2018; 8:40pm
Thanks for sharing, Volker! The book looks great. I'm so happy to hear that Asciidoctor made writing and publishing this book enjoyable. It means so much to me to hear from authors like you. This is exactly why I do what I do. I hope other authors can learn from your journey.
Best Regards,
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 10:40 AM VolkerLap [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Hey there!
I just thought this would be the right place to tell you how thankful I am for AsciiDoctor-pdf. Just a few days ago, I finished writing and publishing a book about Santorini; Rocks and minerals in german language, and it was all done with AsciiDoctor-pdf.

Here's how I approached this.
I used Asciidoc-fx as a editor on windows 7
* There is one "book.adoc" file
* Images in ./image
* A Windows batch with:
asciidoctor-pdf -r \Ruby24-x64\bin\hyphenation.rb -a pdf-stylesdir=resources/themes -a pdf-style=basic ./Santorin/book.adoc
The paperback version caused me some headaches initially. Since AsciiDoctor-PDF currently does not prevent widows and orphans, and does not support hyphenation.
I used this hack hyphenation:
Manual adjustments.
* For the print version, I manually inserted page breaks ("<<<") to prevent any widows and orphans. Sometimes, it also helped to simply shorten a paragraph or change the size of an image.
This turned out really well, without too much additional work. Here's what it looks like:
The paperback version is printed and distributed via
By adapting the standard theme, I could easily set up the PDF with exactly the dimensions required by Bod costs 19 Euros /year (including ISBN, Ebook). There delivering the print in Europe without extra cost. I am still waiting for the ebook, but the GoogleBook is here.
Here are a few things about the AsciiDoctor workflow that caused me trouble, and how I worked around them.
* I faket free space for the imprint with tables
frame="none", grid=none, stripes=none
:media: prepress
* I faket the 6. først pages of the front matter because it is not working in Asciidoc-pdf
I clipped and glued the resulting pdf with
* A multipage Index i messing up page numbers on every second page. So i positioned the page-number of the index pages manually with LibreOffice Draw.
Other than that, it all worked really well. AsciiDoctor simply rules! :-D
Thanks a lot especially to Dan Allen for his fantastic work on this software. I really enjoyed working with this toolchain, and I'm sure it hasn't been the last time I used it.
Volker Lapczynski
Thanks to Daniel Sperl for his text!