Posted by
VolkerLap on
Nov 21, 2018; 5:40pm
Hey there!
I just thought this would be the right place to tell you how thankful I am for AsciiDoctor-pdf. Just a few days ago, I finished writing and publishing a book about
Santorini; Rocks and minerals in german language, and it was all done with AsciiDoctor-pdf.

Here's how I approached this.
I used Asciidoc-fx as a editor on windows 7
* There is one "book.adoc" file
* Images in ./image
* A Windows batch with:
asciidoctor-pdf -r \Ruby24-x64\bin\hyphenation.rb -a pdf-stylesdir=resources/themes -a pdf-style=basic ./Santorin/book.adoc
The paperback version caused me some headaches initially. Since AsciiDoctor-PDF currently does not prevent widows and orphans, and does not support hyphenation.
I used this hack hyphenation: adjustments.
* For the print version, I manually inserted page breaks ("<<<") to prevent any widows and orphans. Sometimes, it also helped to simply shorten a paragraph or change the size of an image.
This turned out really well, without too much additional work. Here's what it looks like:
The paperback version is printed and distributed via adapting the standard theme, I could easily set up the PDF with exactly the dimensions required by Bod costs 19 Euros /year (including ISBN, Ebook). There delivering the print in Europe without extra cost. I am still waiting for the ebook, but the
GoogleBook is here.
Here are a few things about the AsciiDoctor workflow that caused me trouble, and how I worked around them.
* I faket free space for the imprint with tables
frame="none", grid=none, stripes=none
:media: prepress
* I faket the 6. først pages of the front matter because it is not working in Asciidoc-pdf
I clipped and glued the resulting pdf with
* A multipage Index i messing up page numbers on every second page. So i positioned the page-number of the index pages manually with LibreOffice Draw.
Other than that, it all worked really well. AsciiDoctor simply rules! :-D
Thanks a lot especially to Dan Allen for his fantastic work on this software. I really enjoyed working with this toolchain, and I'm sure it hasn't been the last time I used it.
Volker Lapczynski
Thanks to Daniel Sperl for his text!