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Re: Suppress mailto automatic linking

Posted by mojavelinux on Oct 07, 2018; 11:51pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Suppress-mailto-automatic-linking-tp6483p6502.html

Ah, in that case what you are looking for is literal monospace.

`+literal monospace+`.

The backticks alone only make the text monospace. They do not escape it.



On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 4:57 PM metro [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I misspoke: the problem occurs when encapsulating the git command with monospace. The literal block does indeed behave correctly.

See below for example. Both docbook5 and html output convert [hidden email] to an email address.


= Git URL Test
First Last <[hidden email]>

This document tests the rendering of git url's.

Git clone command with just server name shows up *correctly* as `git clone user@server:repo`.

Git clone command with domain shows up *incorrectly* with email address as `git clone [hidden email]:repo`.

Literal block does behave correctly with domain:

git clone [hidden email]:repo

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux