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Re: Suppress mailto automatic linking

Posted by mojavelinux on Sep 23, 2018; 9:21pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Suppress-mailto-automatic-linking-tp6483p6484.html


I can assure you that Asciidoctor is not generating a mailto link in a literal block (at least, not by default). It could be that this is being added sometime after Asciidoctor converts the document. Where are you seeing this happen?



On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 12:13 PM, metro [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
When including a git clone command in a literal block like git clone user@server:repo, Asciidoctor generates a mailto:[hidden email] link.

This can be surpressed by prepending a backslash, but unlike URLs, the backslash makes it into the output.

Is this intended?


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux