Building websites with Asciidoctor
Posted by
t00m on
Sep 07, 2018; 3:42pm
HI there,
I am new in the list and also new with Asciidoctor (I discovered it 3 months ago).
I know that building a browsable documentation repository is not the final purpose of Asciidoctor. Doing some research, I found a post[1] talking about this topic but I couldn't find any script or application that convert a bunch of asciidoc documents into a website.
So I came up with my own solution . You can check the code here [2] and read some thoughts here [3].
I want to share it with you all. Maybe someone finds it useful.
Sure it is not the best way of achieving my goal so I accept any advise you can give me.
By the way, thanks to all creators and contributors of this wonderful project, Asciidoctor.
Best regards,
Tomás Vírseda
Best regards