Paragraph label breaks cross reference label in paragraph title
Posted by
jtkorb on
Jul 09, 2018; 12:25pm
See Test Document below.
With the "[[figurelabel]]" as shown, asciidoctor -v generates a warning message
("asciidoctor: WARNING: invalid reference: OtherLabel") and the rendered
text for <<OtherLabel>> in the title is "[OtherLabel]". If I remove the
"[[figurelabel]]" line, then no warning is generated and the text renders
(correctly) as "Other Item". (In both case, the underlying link is correct.)
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a workaround for this problem? I tried moving the label to
other places (e.g., at the end of the title), but nothing I found worked.
= Test Document
This text refers to <<OtherLabel>> as does the title text below.
.Explanation of something that refers to <<OtherLabel>>.
Just plain text.
[[OtherLabel, Other Item]]
Here is an other item.