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Re: Am I missing something big about book production?

Posted by markb on Jul 06, 2018; 5:43am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Am-I-missing-something-big-about-book-production-tp6365p6412.html

Take a look at PrinceXML. It's proprietary and a expensive, but does a great job at supporting print CSS rules that browsers don't yet support. I create online help systems with Asciidoctor and then convert my HTML source to book user guides with PrinceXML. You can get quite beautiful output. I use conditional rules in my .adoc files for content specific to print and screen that I switch on and off from the config file. I use a print-only CSS file that overrides screen styles for a print layout and adds pagination, headers/footers, etc for the printed book. There's nothing I haven't been able to accomplish with it yet, but there is a learning curve.