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Re: asciidoctor-fopub on Windows 10

Posted by Andrew Carver on Jun 18, 2018; 9:06pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor-fopub-on-Windows-10-tp6381p6400.html

Great trouble-shooting!!

For future reference--and because I don't know where else to report this--it seems to be a Windows 10 bug, rather than a fopub.bat bug:

Line 30 of the current fopub.bat file is where the problem occurs:
if "%1" == "-h" GOTO :usage
The quote marks around "%1" (the variable which holds the filepath you gave as the first parameter) are the standard Windows batch-file way of keeping in one piece a variable value that has spaces in it (a space would otherwise indicate the end of the variable's string-value).
But it is running exactly the same as when one omits the quote marks.:
if %1 == "-h" GOTO :usage
I'm clueless why the quotes are not working... and I looked for other ways to fulfill that quote-functionality, but found none...