Re: asciidoctor-fopub on Windows 10
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1marc1 on
Jun 18, 2018; 12:41pm
Thank you very much for all the hand-holding. I have updated my environment variables to mimic yours, but am still having the same issue.
I then decided to create a really dumbed-down document; I wanted to see if perhaps something in my source document was causing issues. I created a new file called "marc.adoc" with just this as the contents:
== Title
This is a piece of text.
I could successfully create a PDF file from this using fopub. Then I looked at your comment to focus on:
Don't know what to do with -
My file names typically have spaces in them as well as a dash... I renamed my file to "marc - 0.1.adoc" and tried again. You should know that I am typically calling fopub programatically, rather than directly from the command line. This happened:
C:\tmp>fopub "marc - 0.1.xml"
- was unexpected at this time.
It would seem that fopub does not properly recognise the file name with spaces in it. Doing more investigation, I found that when I do things programatically the file name with spaces gets passed properly. I also found that I am referencing a docbook-xls directory (with the -t option) that does not exist. So that doesn't help either. The error message I am getting now is in relation to the fact that the docbook-xsl directory does not exist. However it does not explain the message:
Don't know what to do with -
I have been trying to re-create that error message, but I cannot anymore. Perhaps that error got resolved by me updating my environment variables.
In any case, I have a way forward. Thank you again for your kind assistance!