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asciidoctor-fopub on Windows 10

Posted by 1marc1 on Jun 15, 2018; 6:15am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor-fopub-on-Windows-10-tp6381.html

Hi Team,

I am busy installing asciidoctor-fopub on a Windows 10 machine. I have both JRE version 1.7.0_40 and 1.8.0_171 installed.

I created the sample.xml file following the instructions from the github page:

I have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7". If I now run:
fopub sample.xml
then the output is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/fop/cli/InputHandler : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

This made me think that my Java version 1.7 was not supported. So I installed 1.8 and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_171". If I now run:
fopub sample.xml
then the output is:
fop [options] [-fo|-xml] infile [-xsl file] [-awt|-pdf|-mif|-rtf|-tiff|-png|-pcl|-ps|-txt|-at [mime]|-print] <outfile>
  -version          print FOP version and exit
  -x                dump configuration settings
  -c cfg.xml        use additional configuration file cfg.xml
  -l lang           the language to use for user information
  -nocs             disable complex script features
  -r                relaxed/less strict validation (where available)
  -dpi xxx          target resolution in dots per inch (dpi) where xxx is a number
  -s                for area tree XML, down to block areas only
  -v                run in verbose mode (currently simply print FOP version and continue)

  -o [password]     PDF file will be encrypted with option owner password
  -u [password]     PDF file will be encrypted with option user password
  -noprint          PDF file will be encrypted without printing permission
  -nocopy           PDF file will be encrypted without copy content permission
  -noedit           PDF file will be encrypted without edit content permission
  -noannotations    PDF file will be encrypted without edit annotation permission
  -nofillinforms    PDF file will be encrypted without fill in interactive form fields permission
  -noaccesscontent  PDF file will be encrypted without extract text and graphics permission
  -noassembledoc    PDF file will be encrypted without assemble the document permission
  -noprinthq        PDF file will be encrypted without print high quality permission
  -a                enables accessibility features (Tagged PDF etc., default off)
  -pdfprofile prof  PDF file will be generated with the specified profile
                    (Examples for prof: PDF/A-1b or PDF/X-3:2003)

  -conserve         enable memory-conservation policy (trades memory-consumption for disk I/O)
                    (Note: currently only influences whether the area tree is serialized.)

  -cache            specifies a file/directory path location for the font cache file
  -flush            flushes the current font cache file

  infile            xsl:fo input file (the same as the next)
                    (use '-' for infile to pipe input from stdin)
  -fo  infile       xsl:fo input file
  -xml infile       xml input file, must be used together with -xsl
  -atin infile      area tree input file
  -ifin infile      intermediate format input file
  -imagein infile   image input file (piping through stdin not supported)
  -xsl stylesheet   xslt stylesheet

  -param name value <value> to use for parameter <name> in xslt stylesheet
                    (repeat '-param name value' for each parameter)

  -catalog          use catalog resolver for input XML and XSLT files
  outfile           input will be rendered as PDF into outfile
                    (use '-' for outfile to pipe output to stdout)
  -pdf outfile      input will be rendered as PDF (outfile req'd)
  -pdfa1b outfile   input will be rendered as PDF/A-1b compliant PDF
                    (outfile req'd, same as "-pdf outfile -pdfprofile PDF/A-1b")
  -awt              input will be displayed on screen
  -rtf outfile      input will be rendered as RTF (outfile req'd)
  -pcl outfile      input will be rendered as PCL (outfile req'd)
  -ps outfile       input will be rendered as PostScript (outfile req'd)
  -afp outfile      input will be rendered as AFP (outfile req'd)
  -tiff outfile     input will be rendered as TIFF (outfile req'd)
  -png outfile      input will be rendered as PNG (outfile req'd)
  -txt outfile      input will be rendered as plain text (outfile req'd)
  -at [mime] out    representation of area tree as XML (outfile req'd)
                    specify optional mime output to allow the AT to be converted
                    to final format later
  -if [mime] out    representation of document in intermediate format XML (outfile req'd)
                    specify optional mime output to allow the IF to be converted
                    to final format later
  -print            input file will be rendered and sent to the printer
                    see options with "-print help"
  -out mime outfile input will be rendered using the given MIME type
                    (outfile req'd) Example: "-out application/pdf D:\out.pdf"
                    (Tip: "-out list" prints the list of supported MIME types and exits)
  -svg outfile      input will be rendered as an SVG slides file (outfile req'd)
                    Experimental feature - requires additional fop-sandbox.jar.

  -foout outfile    input will only be XSL transformed. The intermediate
                    XSL-FO file is saved and no rendering is performed.
                    (Only available if you use -xml and -xsl parameters)

  fop foo.fo foo.pdf
  fop -fo foo.fo -pdf foo.pdf (does the same as the previous line)
  fop -xml foo.xml -xsl foo.xsl -pdf foo.pdf
  fop -xml foo.xml -xsl foo.xsl -foout foo.fo
  fop -xml - -xsl foo.xsl -pdf -
  fop foo.fo -mif foo.mif
  fop foo.fo -rtf foo.rtf
  fop foo.fo -print
  fop foo.fo -awt

Jun 15, 2018 4:05:26 PM org.apache.fop.cli.Main startFOP
SEVERE: Exception
org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: Don't know what to do with -
        at org.apache.fop.cli.CommandLineOptions.parseUnknownOption(CommandLineOptions.java:737)
        at org.apache.fop.cli.CommandLineOptions.parseOptions(CommandLineOptions.java:399)
        at org.apache.fop.cli.CommandLineOptions.parse(CommandLineOptions.java:167)
        at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.startFOP(Main.java:169)
        at org.apache.fop.cli.Main.main(Main.java:217)

Any thoughts of what I am doing wrong?

asciidoctor-fopub is working fine in my Linux environment with JRE 1.8.0_171.

A big "THANK YOU" to all those working on making asciidoctor such a great set of tools!

Thank you.
