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Re: Am I missing something big about book production?

Posted by shai on Jun 14, 2018; 6:35am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Am-I-missing-something-big-about-book-production-tp6365p6378.html

I made a small trial to see if this approach is workable and I think it is...
The main pain point is that Sketch moves some of the text ever so slightly so I literally need to go over every page and realign text specifically syntax highlighted code.

Another pain point is the fact that I can't change pages so if changes I make need more or less space in the page I need to somehow deal with the whitespace. Those are solvable as the difference in look is staggering and worth the effort.

I did this with asciidoctor-pdf and sketch then exported the PDF.  It increased from 34mb to 54mb but worth it: