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Attributes substitution on formatted text

Posted by Daiane on Jun 13, 2018; 10:47pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Attributes-substitution-on-formatted-text-tp6372.html

I've been using the user defined variables a lot along my text, but suddenly I realized I cannot format a substitution.

For example, I have a variable (or attribute)

:tfile: target-file-used.txt

And I want to make the result of the substitution formatted in monospaced (or bold)

so I have tried:

Then copy the result in the file `~/user/{tfile}` to make something.

But I got the literal {tfile}  as the output, it's monospaced, but I want the content of variable instead.

I assume it's because substitution is disabled by default, like in http://mrhaki.blogspot.com/2014/05/awesome-asciidoc-substitute-attribute.html (and many other references like that) but I found no way to [subs="attributes"] in a in-line formatting.

How could I do that?

Thanks in advance for any hint.