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Re: Announcing Antora

Posted by Michael_M on Dec 10, 2017; 3:07pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Announcing-Antora-tp6049p6072.html

Hi Dan,

I'm glad to see your Antora initiative. I'm sure this will also promote Asciidoc adoption.
Do you intend to create a separate discussion forum for Antora? Or is this the place?

I read the blog posts with the following use-case in mind: Creating user manuals for products which are built out of shared components. The components own their own documentation. A product is built out of specific versions of the components.

The software assembly requires a dependency management system (Maven, Gradle). It is not quite clear to me, why the document assembly would be different.
See this thread http://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoc-and-dependency-management-td3751.html, and the neo4j reference in it.

As a use of a dependency management system is familiar to most readers, maybe you could draw the parallel (and point out the differences) in a future blog post?
One difference I am reading, is that in software development, the component is responsible for building (publishing) its re-usable artifacts. Antara is proposing that the generator goes into the components repository and fetches what is needed. I feel that this blurs the demarcation of responsibilities, although is saves the need for an artifactory of some kind. Could you share your reasons for making this choice?

I love the idea of a standard project structure for documentation. I hope this also results in guidelines to address issues like https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues/894
