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Announcing Antora

Posted by mojavelinux on Dec 04, 2017; 9:32am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Announcing-Antora-tp6049.html

I've been talking for a long time about one day creating a documentation site generator designed specifically for Asciidoctor. Something akin to a Sphinx for AsciiDoc (but better, of course). Well, now is that time.

A few months ago, my company started working on Antora. The idea with Antora is to create a tool exclusively designed for building documentation sites written in AsciiDoc and processed with Asciidoctor (Asciidoctor.js).

Over the last few years, I've had a chance to work with a lot of different site generators (Jekyll, Middleman, Awestruct, Hugo, Metalsmith). While those are great tools, they aren't focused specifically on building documentation sites, and aren't designed first for AsciiDoc. As a result, you end up having to hack together solutions to deal with requirements such product versioning, navigation, page references, and API docs integration. So we decided to create something new that's focused exclusively on documentation and will leverage Asciidoctor to its fullest extent.

In short, Antora aims to be the documentation site generator for the Asciidoctor ecosystem.

Rather than give a half-introduction here, I encourage you to read the blog series Sarah and I have been working on titled "Architecting Antora". The series lays out the key reasons why we decided to build Antora, what we've identified as its requirements, and how we think it should work.

* https://opendevise.com/blog/hello/
* https://opendevise.com/blog/tag/architecting-antora/ (read from oldest to newest)

Antora isn't yet ready for general purpose usage. The implementation is about halfway complete, though it's based on a working prototype we had built earlier in the year. We're hoping to have Antora ready for early adopters to try by the end of the year. If you want to get involved in the architecture discussions, now's certainly the time.

* https://gitlab.com/antora/antora
* https://gitlab.com/antora/antora-ui-default

I'm interested to hear your thoughts about Antora. I hope you're as excited about it as we are!



Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux