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Re: Markdown -> Asciidoc converter

Posted by Sisyphos on Nov 09, 2017; 8:43am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Markdown-Asciidoc-converter-tp6014p6016.html

Hi Dan,

Thank you very much for your quick answer. I greatly admire your dedication to Asciidoc. A great project.

Most of it looks good. The headings have no index and are simply converted to a "=" character. That looks nice.

I have stumbled on two things: Unfortunately, I use front matter in Jekyll style for my files. eg:

title: Title of my Doc

As far as I understand kramdown, the "---" characters there are just horizontal rules (https://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html#horizontal-rules). If that in adoc-files also become horizontal rules, that would be fine for me. Unfortunately kramdown-asciidoc doesn't like that at all:

/data1/Software/kramdown-asciidoc/lib/kramdown-asciidoc/converter.rb:21:in `block in inner': undefined method `convert_hr' for #<Kramdown::Converter::Asciidoc:0x00556ba829fa68> (NoMethodError)
Did you mean?  convert_br
        from /data1/Software/kramdown-asciidoc/lib/kramdown-asciidoc/converter.rb:17:in `each'
        from /data1/Software/kramdown-asciidoc/lib/kramdown-asciidoc/converter.rb:17:in `each_with_index'
        from /data1/Software/kramdown-asciidoc/lib/kramdown-asciidoc/converter.rb:17:in `inner'
        from /data1/Software/kramdown-asciidoc/lib/kramdown-asciidoc/converter.rb:29:in `convert_root'
        from /data1/Software/kramdown-asciidoc/lib/kramdown-asciidoc/converter.rb:10:in `convert'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/kramdown-1.15.0/lib/kramdown/converter/base.rb:105:in `convert'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/kramdown-1.15.0/lib/kramdown/document.rb:117:in `method_missing'
        from bin/kramdown-asciidoc:24:in `<main>'

However, since front matters are not part of kramdown, I don't see this as a bug.

A structural problem is somewhat more serious. As far as I understand asciidoc, texts with one leading "=" are interpreted as document headers. kramdown-asciidoc converts the levels one to one, which means that there are several document headers.

Since you can't know what kind of title the author wants without front matter, I would suggest that the headlines be moved down one level during conversion. (So "#" becomes "=="). After the conversion, I would simply set a document header by myself.
