Although it's been out for a few days, I'm still thrilled (and still feeling relieved) to announce the release of Asciidoctor 0.1.4!
Why so relieved? Well, it was a long road to make good on promises like extensions :)
Asciidoctor 0.1.4 was originally planned to be a small release. Instead, it turned out to be a summer-long project, spanning from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The result? The biggest release yet. Ninety issues — that’s right, 90 — were closed along the way, resulting in 325 commits.
The extended development cycle was due in part to a major pickup in the amount of feedback from the community. We also didn’t want to let another release slip by without including an extension mechanism, which we’re happy to say is available in this release as a technology preview.
Want to find out more? Well, you won't be disappointed by the depth of this post / release notes, to which a lot of credit goes to Sarah White for rounding up the information and working with (and pushing) me to revise it :) you're in a hurry, here's the TL;DR version:
* Stylesheets are embedded by default
* Inter-document cross references (e.g., <<doc-b#section-a,Section A in Document B>>)
* Implicit header row on tables
* DocBook 5.0 backend (i.e., docbook5)
* Icon inline macro (e.g, icon:heart[2x]), designed primarily for using font-based icons
* Checklists
* Developer and user-friendly callouts in code listings
* Pygments syntax highlighter (e.g., source-highlighter=pygments)
* Shorthand notation for block options (e.g., [%header%footer])
* Shorthand notation for id and role on formatted text (e.g., [#id.role]_text_)
* Roles for text enclosed in backticks (e.g., [role]`text`)
* Docinfo files for the document footer (e.g., docinfo-footer.(html|xml))
* Include file from URL using include::[] directive
* Include file is resolved relative to current include file
* Support for YouTube and Vimeo IDs in video macro (e.g., video::12345[youtube,480,360])
* Missing attribute references (e.g., {bogus}) do not cause line to be dropped (by default)
* Parse manpage metadata
* TOC positioning (e.g., toc-position=right, toc=right or toc2=right)
* Improved section numbering in document and in TOC
* First draft of the Asciidoctor User Manual
* Debian and Ubuntu packages (joining the Fedora package)
There is so much exciting work ahead and I can't wait to get back to it. Thanks to all of you who help to make Asciidoctor awesome and documentation not suck.