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setting imagesdir for asciidoc articles baked with awestruct

Posted by xcoulon on Aug 27, 2013; 10:55am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/setting-imagesdir-for-asciidoc-articles-baked-with-awestruct-tp528.html

hello !

I have an asciidoc article in an awestruct-baked site.
This article starts with the following content (including the fron matter):

layout: blog
tags: [jbosstools, jbds, mobile]
= JBoss Tools 4.1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 7 go GA
:imagesdir: blog/images

In the generated HTML page, I have the followin img tag:
<img alt="open with livereload" src="/images/open-with-livereload.png"> </img>

It seems like the :imagesdir: property defined at the top of the asciidoc part was not taken into account.

How can I specify that value ?

thanks in advance
Best regards,