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Re: Is it worth refactoring asciidoctor-jruby integration into a shared library?

Posted by asotobu on Mar 16, 2013; 10:54am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Is-it-worth-refactoring-asciidoctor-jruby-integration-into-a-shared-library-tp25p52.html

Before starting with asciidoctor-java-integration project, I have one question regarding of what Dan has pointed out in his reply.

From first point:

In Asciidoctor Maven Plugin project, ruby gems (asciidoctor, tilt and coderay) are already bundled into src/main/resources so final user should not worry about installing in his system. Also to update the versions of gems, as it is told in documentation you only have to download the code, run next command (bundle install --path src/main/resources --standalone --clean) and then repackage the plugin. So in case of Java, we can still use the same approach (maybe automatized within build project) so every time a new version of asciidoctor gem is relased a new version of asciidoctor-java-integration is released too. But also if I have not missed something (probably because of my inexperience in Ruby), what Dan is suggesting is that maybe the gems can be fetched  from Java API too, instead/also from build phase.

About second point:

I will start working of course, probably I will importune you more than once because this is the first contact with Ruby for me , never is late to learn one new language.

Well this is all for now, on Monday  you will post the repository location of the project.

Have a nice day
