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Re: Section Break & Paragraph Style

Posted by Ted on Jun 14, 2016; 4:17pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Section-Break-Paragraph-Style-tp4732p4778.html

I did some research. The following paragraph style works well when rendering to HTML. (It did not work for PDF and I didn't try ePUB)

Using an image for the section break worked in HTML and PDF.

You'll need 3 files to make this work:

1. fictionBook.adoc
= Fiction book
:icons: font
:blank: pass:[ +]

Carajillo coffee strong doppio, crema café au lait as single origin foam. Robusta, half and half, caffeine macchiato a caffeine cup arabica. Carajillo java in filter to go eu, cultivar robusta coffee organic grinder decaffeinated.

Rich dripper caramelization ut skinny ut that mazagran acerbic coffee. Coffee macchiato, doppio est grounds flavour, eu cultivar percolator white eu beans. Wings, a fair trade et galão coffee acerbic, wings latte strong medium cream.



Spoon black arabica sit sugar trifecta carajillo strong cream wings. Aroma con panna single origin single shot est blue mountain that mazagran doppio. Single origin barista as, seasonal viennese doppio, single origin coffee instant aftertaste redeye.

Mocha cream beans, brewed bar that caffeine bar brewed filter kopi-luwak. Cortado americano mocha macchiato so shop sugar. Instant doppio, brewed, pumpkin spice grinder, wings, to go mug chicory americano crema body.

2. docinfo.html
<style type="text/css"> p { text-indent: 25px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; text-align: justify; } </style>

3. sectionBreak.jpg
A small image file with a black hairline.  

At the command prompt, generate the HTML with this command:

>asciidoctor fictionBook.adoc

The table example is what you would use if you don't have an image file. So instead of this:

use this whole thing:
[cols="1*^", frame=none]
| icon:ellipsis-h[2x]

It will produce a "***". Unfortunately the table didn't turnout 100% in the HTML, so the icon is not centered.
- Ted @TedAtCIS