Posted by
Ted on
May 31, 2016; 3:34pm
Looking at the docs it looks like you can only center images or text inside table cells. So you could create an image of the Section Break you want and then center it. Or use some asterisks or an icon inside a table cell.
= Test Section Break
Espresso, and steamed single shot eu brewed ut latte cortado.
Black, iced aromatic, et extraction shop a plunger pot trifecta.
Steamed acerbic, qui, in milk extra pumpkin spice mazagran blue mountain coffee decaffeinated medium.
Coffee, siphon et americano french press latte roast trifecta est cortado breve.
Sugar single origin, arabica whipped percolator body that macchiato.
[cols="1*^", frame=none]
| icon:ellipsis-h[2x]
Iced and macchiato, crema to go dark kopi-luwak spoon.
Robusta in medium, as white arabica flavour con panna spoon.
Siphon at variety grinder redeye variety bar galao crema.
Whipped skinny grinder bar single origin rich americano espresso single shot.
Cream cafe au lait, espresso blue mountain so single shot medium redeye.
As far as the second paragraph style goes, that could be accomplished with a custom style sheet. Perhaps others here have some better ideas than mine?